If you would like to donate to our mission click HERE. Select personal donation and in the 'other' section specify Honduras Medical and Dental Team and the account number 70-410-01.
We've been back from Honduras for two weeks but feels like just yesterday we were there. Once your back in the developed world with all of its comforts and conveiences it is easy to forget what life was like in Honduras. But although we are physically far away, the memories of the beautiful children we met will remain ingrained in our hearts forever. We are determined to not just forget all of our experiences in Honduras and get back to 'normal life.' We want to allow these experiences to permeate our minds and hearts and change how we live our lives on a day to day basis.
We have already started brainstorming ideas for our next mission. One idea that we have come up with for next year is to send a container and fill it with medication, medical supplies, new equipment and furnishings for all of the public health clinics in the Lempira region of Honduras. We have already been in contact with Feed the Hungry Canada and they have generously offered to help us get some of the equipment/supplies at a discounted price. We are also hoping to raise enough money to send the hospital a new steriliser machine (see blog post titled 2nd Clinic for full the full story so that they never have to worry about not being able to do emergency surgeries.
We are in the process of getting the list of supplies that the Honduras Department of Health needs and once we have the list we can get to work on making the container a reality! We cannot do this without your help though so please contact hondurasmission2014@gmail.com if you are interested in making a donation (donation instructions at the top of the blog), helping us get some of the equipment or even just want to give us advice!
Thank you readers for all of your heartfelt support, words cannot express how grateful we are!
The 2014 Honduras Medical and Dental Team