Ever since I started medical school I have always wanted to go on a mission trip. I have purposely postponed going until I was in residency because I wanted to make sure I had enough skillls and experience under my belt so that I could actually DO instead of WATCH... if you know what I mean?
Anyways, you can imagine my excitement when I heard about a medical mission trip that goes to Honduras every year and brings physicians from the children's hospital where I am doing my residency.
Honduras is one of the poorest countries in the world and 60% of its population falls below the World Bank's national poverty line.Also, it is estimated that 280,000 children between the ages of 5-14 are forced to work in order to earn enough money for their families to eat.
Our project lasts one week and is a mobile medical mission - which means we drive to the rural areas in Honduras and see the children who can't get to the hospitals in the main cities. Some of the children we will meet may never have been to a doctor before. Over the course of the week our team see an average of 850 children. If you do the math that is about 150 kids per day!!
We also bring medical supplies with us to leave in Honduras. This year we can bring up to ten supply boxes which each have about $5000 CAD worth of medications in them but were donated by a pharmaceutical company for $500 each. These supplies are so important for the community because they othewise would not have access to the most basic medications that we take for granted in our country.
I know that it is a very difficult economic time right now and alot of people are struggling just to keep their head above water. I'm not asking that everyone donate huge sums of money but instead that each person give an amount that they can afford and collectively the generosity of many will make a HUGE difference to the children in Honduras. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!
I will end with a quote from a woman who inspired the world by her small acts of giving which made a big difference.
“It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
― Mother Teresa
If you are interested in giving you can donate HERE
Or you can email hondurasmission2014@gmail.com